OSCE Resit 2

OSCE resit preparation with Health Skills Training: We have a 100% pass rate with our resit support. We will help you until you pass your exam. Whatever challenge you may have, whichever station you are struggling with, reach out to us and get our robust resit support.

OSCE Resit Questions and Answers

1. Do I need to resit all the stations or just the one I failed?

You only need to resit the station you failed in for example, if you fail the planning station in APIE, you only resit the planning station and not the full APIE. On the day of the resit test you will get the assessment paperwork of the station you already passed, you will also be given the care plan writing sheet. You will have 14 minutes to write the 2 care plans. For example, if you fail one skills station such as MSU, you will only resit that particular station.

2. How quickly can I re book my OSCE test?
The NMC recommendation is to wait 10 days, however you can book straight away within the 10 days but ensure it is after the 10 day time period.

3. How do I rebook my resit OSCE test?
Most test centres use their online booking systems, it is best to check online on the test booking portal. Select the exam type such as ‘Adult Resit 1 Station or 2 Station’. Then select the date you want to take your resit, pay the resit fee using debit or credit card, then you are all set. You will receive an email confirmation. Or alternatively, you can email the test centre so that they can suggest to you the right dates or ways to book your resit.

4. What is the resit OSCE exam fee?
If you fail 1 to 7 stations the fee to pay is ÂŁ397. If you fail 8 or more stations you will need to pay ÂŁ794.

5. How many times can I resit the exam?
You can resit the exam a maximum of two times. That means including your first exam, you would have given the exam 3 attempts in total.

6. What happens if I fail the OSCE exam in all the 3 attempts?
You will be required to wait 6 months and then apply for re-registration with NMC.

7. I am not sure where I went wrong and failed the exam a second time, what do I do now?
The best advise is to get expert help so that you can pass your OSCE exam. You will have one final attempt, so you don’t want to take any risk. Health Skills Training will provide you with one to one help and ensure you are fully ready prior to taking the final exam. We will walk you through the steps, ensure you fully understand where and what mistakes you have made. We will ensure you are assessed multiple times so that you are fully confident and ready to face your exam. Please contact us today on info@healthskillstraining.com or 07711 554472.

8. I have financial constraints, can I pay in instalments?
Regarding the training support, the best way to look at it, is what you would spend for your exam each time when you fail. The full resit is £794, partial resit is £397. If you pass the exam on your first attempt, you will not have to pay the resit exam fee. So the wise decision would be to choose the right training provider who gives the best training and further support. Health Skills Training has a proven record, we were the first organisation to start OSCE training in the UK way back in 2014. We have excellent experience amongst our staff and the best quality OSCE support. Don’t just take our word for it, check our feedback and reviews online, speak to the nurses who have attended our training and support. With us, you will get the best support until you pass your exam.

9. Can I study OSCE myself by watching YouTube videos or getting help from friends?
The answer to this question is: Can you pass your driving test by self studying and getting help from your friends? The best answer to this question is to get expert help from an organisation who has UK clinical nursing, teaching and training experience. To avoid ROTE learning, you must get help from Health Skills Training, so that you understand the rationale as to why and what is in your OSCE stations.

100% Resit Support with 100% Pass Rate

Health Skills Training is known for its quality in supporting OSCE nurses till they pass their test. Even if you have to resit some stations and want our robust one to one support, any OSCE resit candidates can contact us for further support.

Please contact us on info@healthskillstraining.com or 01617434626.

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See What Some of Our Customers Have to Say

B Kelly from USA
The training was great I feel much more prepared now than I did before recommend HST Ltd for their OSCE preparation.

G Moraes from India
BLS, Wound care and IM injections practice I enjoyed the most and recommend OSCE training for all.

J Eke from Nigeria
Trainer from HST Ltd was very knowledgeable and he built my confidence by demonstrating the right method and allowing us practice.

K Haynes from Australia
The process of what to expect and how to carry out the tasks was the most interesting thing I learned in the training.

N Perry from Australia
All steps of 6 workstation practice was interesting; I was fully stimulated all day to learn. I feel this day will be beneficial to my OSCE exam

E Perez
Very informative and very pleasant instructor.