Writing a CV

Writing a Perfect Nursing CV

Hiring Image

Your CV can help you get that next interview call. Attention to detail on words, skills and experience that you describe matters a lot. It should be a brief succinct account of your knowledge, skills and experience, tailored carefully to the job you’re shortlisted for. Your CV should match the job description and should tell the employer whether you match the essential and the desirable criteria.

What should be the length of my CV? How many pages?
Your CV ideally should be 2 pages long. And should focus more on experience, key skills and achievements.

Should I follow a check list when writing a CV?
Yes, you must use a check list to follow when creating your CV.

      • How many pages is my CV?
      • Is it easy to ready, legible, no jargon, logical and has a professional font layout?
      • Have you chosen the main headers such as Personal Information/Introduction, Background Education, Experience?
      • Is your CV pitched to the level of  job you are applying for?
      • Re-check your CV for spelling and grammar mistakes
      • Check for the covering letter requirements, write a professional brief covering letter

Template or Master CV
If you are applying for different jobs at the same time, you may want to come back and amend your CV after few months or years. It is best to have a saved master CV template where you can quickly change and make amendments required for your next job.

Your CV is the first impression that you make to an employer, this is the first step for your success on to getting that next job. Writing a CV that demonstrates why you are the perfect candidate is pivotal to the role you are applying for

This curriculum vitae template has been developed to assist overseas trained Nurses/Health Professionals in applying for job positions in UK or other International countries.


1. Personal Information

First names 

Family name




Email address

Telephone number (including country code)

DOB * Must have a 4-digit year, e.g. DD/MM/YYYY


2. Professional Memberships

Nursing Registration Details: 

Nursing Registration Current Status (Date first registered and the date of Expiry): 

3. English Language Assessment (IELTS Status):

(Must have Academic Score of 7.0 on Individual Subjects and certificate/Score sheet must have current validity

4. Medical Condition (if applicable):

Please indicate if you have any existing medical condition that may influence the employment decision

5. Motor Vehicle License (optional):

Please indicate if you are eligible to drive a motor vehicle

6. Academic History: (Most Recent First) 

Subject/Course/Primary/Post Graduation Qualification:

University or Institution name:

Qualification obtained:

Grade/Level of Study:

Date and Year of Qualification:

Medium of Study (English or other languages):

University Contact Address, Phone Number and Email:

7. Recordable qualifications/courses obtained:

Course or Skills Training Name:

Date Attended: 

Duration: (one day/Two Day/Three Months Course)

Provider: (Example: Basic Life Support Course; Mentorship Course; IV Therapy; Venepuncture and Cannulation; Critical Care Course)

8. Employment history:

(Insert the positions you have held either in paid or unpaid employment.  The list should be ordered from most recent to least recent.   Name the position, the employing body, period of employment and a detailed description of the day to day role and cases/patients handled.

This information is important as it allows a potential employer to understand what type of organisations you have worked in and the level of responsibilities you have held.  It also allows a potential employer to understand how your work experiences relates to the UK environment. 

 It is up to you to provide information that clearly informs the employer of your competitive suitability for the position.  Failure to competitively satisfy the work related requirements will exclude you from further consideration.

Please do not just provide a list of activities/clinical skills. It doesn’t show what you are actually doing.

Current and Previous Positions – 

8.1  Most recent first

Start date:

End date: 

Reason for leaving : 

Hospital name: 

Bed Size: 


Job Title: 

Grade: Senior

Type of employment: Fulltime/Parttime 

Reporting to: 

Ward/Unit/Service info: Description of type/specialty, size of ward

Experience and Responsibilities in the post: Description of day to day responsibilities and clinical skills used being specific about types of cases handled (including whether you had the supernumerary status, staff nurse, Nurse In charge or co-ordination role/Specialist Nurse Role/ Teaching and Supervision role/ Manager/ Head of the Department role etc)

8.2  Previous Employment

Start date:

End date: 

Reason for leaving : 

Hospital name: 

Bed Size: 


Job Title: 

Grade: Senior

Type of employment: Fulltime/Part-time 

Reporting to: 

Ward/Unit/Service info:

Experience and Responsibilities in the post: Description of day to day responsibilities and clinical skills used being specific about types of cases handled (including whether you had the supernumerary status, staff nurse, Nurse In charge or co-ordination role/Specialist Nurse Role/ Teaching and Supervision role/ Manager/ Head of the Department etc)

9. Additional Information: 

Presentations/ Publications/Forums/Awards/others

(Academic Positions: [Insert an outline of any teaching or research that you have undertaken, as it relates to your profession.  For example a university lecturer or a clinical teacher within a hospital or private practice setting.]

Publications: [Also include any health  related publications that you have authored or co- authored, including an abstract of the publication.)]


10.  References

1. Name:

Position Title:


Daytime Telephone number:

Email Address:

Relationship to you:

Postal Address:



2. Name:

Position Title:


Daytime Telephone number:

Email Address:

Relationship to you:

Postal Address:



11. Declaration:

You must declare on your CV that the ‘The Curriculum Vitae is true and correct as at (insert date)’. This declaration must be signed and dated



12. Supporting Documents to send with the CV

IELTS Score Sheet

Passport Copy

Nursing Qualification

Official Transcript detailing subjects covered (Theory and Practicals) and hours of study

Post Nursing Experience: Minimum 12 Months post qualification experience in the field you are applying (e.g- Adult Nursing, Mental Health, Child Health, Midwifery etc)

Writing Cover Letter

Covering Letters

When you are reading for the job you are applying for always read whether they request you to include a covering letter. Few employers will consider your CV if do not include a covering letter.

Here’s how to write a covering letter:

  • Think about your personal profile, attributes and skills specific to your job application
  • Check the skills, knowledge and the work experience you have which can be matched to the job description, check the organisation’s vision, values where you can explain and match certain aspects to contribute towards their goal.
  • Explain the jobs you have done, specifically focus on skills and different roles you have done such as team leading, coordinating, participating or leading on project completion.

Standard Covering letters for nursing jobs must include:

Header – Best on the right hand corner with your:



Phone Number



Hiring Manager Name

Designation example Manager/Director



Dear …….(Name of the person)

If you do not know the name, you can write Sir/Madam or leave it at Dear


I would like to apply for the job of Medical Ward Nurse Manager, which you advertised on your job list page. As requested I am hereby attaching my CV.

Main Body

As a skilled nurse having 8 years of nursing experience working in acute and the critical care settings I provide the compassionate, caring utmost quality care for all the patients and families I encounter. I had a opportunity to enhance my nursing skills working as a Band 5 Nurse to Senior Band 6 Nurse coordinating the ward, organising the skill mix, completing the duty rotas and being team leader for the team of 4 nurses and 2 health care assistants. There fore I have learnt myself how manage the time effectively, problem solving and great leadership skills.

In the same context I believe I can greatly benefit…

Why you are great fit the job

Why the company you are applying is agree fit for you

Strong Closure
