NMC OSCE for Nurses

OSCE Nursing 1

NMC OSCE Structure explained

OSCE is Objective Structured Clinical Examination as simulation based practical exam for overseas nurses. Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) verifies your application by checking your eligibility and qualification, gives permission to write the OSCE exam. OSCE exam must be taken in UK with one of the NMC approved University Test centres. On the exam day you will perform clinical skills, patient assessment and writing stations where the examiner will assess your competencies against set marking criteria.

NMC Adult OSCE Details

Total 10 stations you get for your exam, 4 skills, 2 mandatory writing stations & 4 APIE stations

OSCE Skill Stations: There are a total of 22 skills to learn:


1) Wound Assessment (6 minutes) You are required to assess patient comfort and assess wound condition.

2) ANTT (Aseptic non-touch technique) (15-minutes) You will need to apply a wound dressing using a dressing trolley and dressing pack. It is important to follow the aseptic principles of the wound dressing.

3) IHR (In Hospital resuscitation or BLS) (6 -minutes) You will need to perform BLS as per European resuscitation guidelines. You are not required to use automated defibrillation during the test. It will only be the basic hospital life support procedure.

4) IM injection (12-minutes) You will be provided a prescription sheet to administer an IM injection in a community setting.

5) Subcutaneous Injection (12-minutes) You will be provided a prescription sheet to administer an S/C injection, usually an insulin injection in a community/nursing home setting.

6) Administration of medication through inhalation (MDI) (12-minutes) You will have to administer medication (inhaler) using a spacer device in A&E or a community setting.

7) Peak Expiratory Flow (Peak Flow) (8-minutes) You will need to take the peak flow measurements of a patient in an outpatient setting.

8) Catheter Sample of Urine Collection (CSU) (8-minutes) You will have to collect a urine sample through the Catheter port using a syringe in a hospital setting.

9) Catheter removal (urinary catheter removal) (8-minutes) You will have to remove the catheter by deflating a balloon using the 10ml syringe in a hospital setting.

10) Fluid Balance (12-minutes) This is a silent writing station, you must fill in the fluid balance sheet and work out the positive or negative balance ensuring you are adhering to nursing documentation guidelines. You are provided with a Summary sheet which highlights the patient’s intake and output.

11) MSU & Urinalysis (8-minutes) You must use a reagent strip, dip and compare the strip against the colour chart on the bottle (This skill will be introduced on 26th October 2019 at all three test centres)

12) IV Flush & VIP Assessment (8-minutes) You are required to assess the cannula site and give a VIP score, then administer IV flush as per prescription.

13) Fine Bore NG insertion (12-minutes) In this station you will insert a NG feeding tube by measuring the tube as per NEX measurement.

14) Pressure Area Assessment (8-minutes) This is a silent writing station where you are asked to answer two theory questions and complete the garden scale scenario.

15) Blood Glucose Monitoring (8-minutes) You are required to use a lancet to take a drop of blood from the patient’s finger and take a reading with a blood glucose monitor.

16) Pain Assessment (6-minutes) You must identify the correct patient and complete a pain assessment as per the PQRST method.

17) Oxygen Therapy (10-minutes) You must administer Oxygen as per prescription.

18) Nasopharyngeal suctioning (8-minutes) You need to perform suctioning by applying accurate suction pressure and following the strict guidelines.

19) Administration of Suppository (8-minutes) You will administer medication as per the provided prescription.

20) Nutritional Assessment: (8-minutes) You will need to complete the MUST score chart and verbalise your actions to the examiner.

21) Bowel Assessment: (8-minutes) You will complete the Bristol stool chart and write the appropriate actions as per photo ABCD.

22) Oral Care Planning: (8-minutes) You will write the care plan for any one scenario out of four different scenarios.

NMC OSCE Mandatory Writing Stations

There are two writing stations to write, each one is for 10 minutes. They are:

1) Professional Values & Behaviours; in this station you will need to write actions that you would take based on the scenario given.

2) Evidenced based practice; in this station you need to identify and summarise the relevant research findings pertinent to the scenario and write on what advise would you give.

Professional Values Stations

There are 15 different scenarios to prepare:

1) Confidentiality

2) Drug Error

3) Possible Abuse

4) Professional Confrontation

5) Social Media

6) Bullying

7) Concealment of Bed Status

8) False Representation

9) Falsifying Observations

10) Falsifying Timesheets

11) Hospital Food

12) Impaired Performance

13) Laboratory Results

14) Racism

15) Witnessed Abuse

Evidence-Based Practice Stations

There are 14 different scenarios to prepare:

1) Diabetes

2) Female Myocardial Infraction

3) Pressure Ulcer Prevention

4) Smoking Cessation

5) Honey Dressing For Venous Leg Ulcers

6) Ankle Sprain

7) Asperger’s Syndrome

8) Bedside Handover

9) Cervical Screening

10) Cranberry Juice and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

11) Dementia and Music

12) Fever in Children

13) Restraint

14) Saline Versus Tap Water

OSCE Nursing 2


There are 4 APIE stations, they are:

1) Assessment

2) Planning

3) Implementation

4) Evaulation

In APIE you will be completing the holistic patient care assessment.

Nurse educators having the immense experience in training and development will run our OSCE workshops. Health Skills Training Ltd is rated as one of the best OSCE training providers in the UK.

Contact us on : 0161 7434626 or +44 7711554472

Testimonials low

Esther Bada
My training today has reminded me of previous training and update on current Legislations. Learned more on Clinical Governance.
(1) The Trainer was approachable and laid emphasis on the importance of regular updates on Mandatory Trainings. The quality of training is commendable and highly valuable for health care staff; ensuring we relate and apply into practice what we have learnt.
( 2 ) The trainer was very supportive and guided me throughput the process of my NMC revalidation preparation received an excellent support, face to face guidance to put a robust portfolio together, ensured submission of paperwork to NMC within reasonable time scale with ease.
( 3 ) My appreciation goes to HST LTD for offered support when it was highly needed regarding my NMC re-validation that initially stressed me out.
I highly recommend their service to any health care staff.

Mintu T.K

It was a great help for me from HST to understand and to get an idea about NHS interview and aii the other requirements. Thank you so much and good luck.

Neethu Ann
Excellent service. I would recommend HST to all the nurses who are trying for UK. The service providers make sure that the candidate clear all stages throughout the process by giving them adequate training and thereby increasing their confidence level. Thank You Mr. Gilbert Martis for guiding me so far. Wish you and your team good luck.

Atit Chopra
Exceeding expectations, HST are simply fantastic, professional and easy to work with. HST were recommended to my work place, every single individual who attended the training is pleased with HST and would recommend HST any day. Thank you HST and keep up the good work. All the best.

Sunil Varghese George
I can honestly say that HST is the best trainers you will find. They are fully accredited and validated and help you fulfil legal and regulatory requirements as well as meet the criteria set by professional bodies. The HST staff is committed to provide the best services possible and actively participate in every phase of your recruitment process, which I found exceptionally helpful. I’d like to especially thank Mr. Gilbert Martis for his guidance and suggestions.

Ifetola Aina
Thanks to HST, the training very interactive .I can confidently continue to cascade the knowledge and skill learned to promote and improve the patient care. Keep up with the good work.

Shajan Xaviour
I had really a great experience. This training will surely help all health care professionals especially people who are preparing for practical based exams and nurses who prepare for OSCE exams.

Shruthi Suresh
I thank my God ALMIGHTY for introducing me to HST Ltd  who made my journey from India to U.K. really short. It’s just 5-6 months from the scheduling of interview, clearing qualifying exams, visa processing and travelling to work at your dream destination. HST offered assistance right from the writing of CV, interview skills, learning materials for the qualifying exams. Documents to get the visa, travel guidance ( what I need to carry from India- though small but really important). Mr Gilbert, CEO of HST was guiding me in every step I take towards my dream job. Documents to be submitted is one of the biggest hassle but HST guided me and made it easier for me. HST ensures that you are safe and comfortable at work and accommodation which I don’t think any other agency does that. I recommend the aspirants who are looking forward to work in UK to contact HST as they are highly reliable and you are safe with them.