OSCE for Nurses

OSCE Preparation for Overseas Nurses

OSCE Training

Nurse Educators having an immense expereince in OSCE Training and assessment will run our preparatory OSCE workshops. Why not give us a call to discuss your OSCE training need and by preparing with us you will give yourself a high chance of passing the OSCE test the part 2 test of competence in your first attempt.

Health Skills Training provides OSCE onsite face to face training and OSCE online learning.
Our next OSCE onsite face to face training date in Manchester & London are available on this page below or under our ‘Courses’ page
Scroll down to check the dates for more face to face training till June 2021
Contact +44 161 743 4626 or +44 7711 554472 for more information.

OSCE 3 Types1
Adult Nursing OSCE
OSCE 3 Types2b
Mental Health Nursing
OSCE 3 Types2
Paediatric (Children’s) Nursing OSCE

OSCE for Nursing (NMC OSCE) is Made up of 10 Stations, Each Lasting From six to Twenty minutes

Four (APIE) stations relate to patient journey will be scenario based:

1) Assessment – Holistic patient centred assessment (Practical Station)

2) Planning (Written station – writing a care plan)

3) Implementation (Practical-administering medications)

4) Evaluation (SBAR Handover-here you give the verbal handover to a nurse or to a doctor using Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation). All of which are stages of nursing and midwifery care.


Four stations will be testing practical clinical skills:

It is important for the candidate to listen to the examiners instructions carefully. Check all the equipments, scan the room so you are comfortable before starting.  Do not be afraid to look at them again if you are unsure. You will not be penalised for this. Common OSCE  skills which may be tested either on their own or within a nursing/midwifery scenario include: 

          • In Hospital Resuscitation (IHR) /Basic life support – cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (adult, child, baby)
          • Intramuscular Injection
          • Subcutaneous Injection
          • MDI- Metered Dose Inhaler
          • Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)
          • MSU & Urinalysis
          • Catheter Sample of Urine
          • Removal of Urinary Catheter
          • Administration of Suppository
          • Administration of Oxygen
          • IV Flush & VIP
          • Wound care, ANTT ( 21 minutes allocated for these two skills)
          • Fluid Balance
          • NG Tube Insertion
          • Blood Glucose Monitoring
          • Pain Assessment
          • Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
          • Oral Care (Writing Station)
          • Bowel Assessment (Writing Station)
          • Nutritional Assessment (Writing & Verbal presentation)
          • Hand hygiene
          • Calculating drug dosages
          • Palpation (Midwifery)
          • Auscultation of foetal heart (Midwifery)
          • New born check (Midwifery)

Two mandatory writing stations will be testing your knowledge, clinical application of skills by reasoning and understanding of appropriate decision making :

Candidates have to write a brief outline on what actions they would take in professional value, summary of findings and the advise they would give in evidence based practice.

  • Professional Values (you get one scenario out of many listed in the OSCE marking criteria)
  • Evidenced Based Practice (you get one scenario out of many listed in the OSCE marking criteria)

Each of the OSCE ten stations has standardised marking criteria against which all candidates are assessed. Candidates are assessed by a panel of highly qualified examiners. Candidates are expected to demonstrate competence through safe and effective evidence based practice. The test of competence is based on current UK pre-registration standards.

OSCE test assessment is very strict and there is no room for any errors. All nurses prior to taking OSCE are advised to obtain a thorough training where you can practice properly with all the equipments and get a specific feedback to improve performance.

NMC recommends list of reading prior to the test they are listed below:

Generic nursing domains

Domain 1: Professional values
Domain 2: Communication and interpersonal skills
Domain 3: Nursing practice and decision-making
Domain 4: Leadership, management and team working


Field specific competencies

  • Adult nursing 
  • Additional recommended reading for overseas applications
  • Standards
  • Guidance
  • The Code
  • Hearings and Outcomes: these pages list direct and current insight into unacceptable standards of nursing or midwifery in the UK.

Detailed information can be checked on NMC website

Health Skills Training (HST) Ltd OSCE preparatory training workshop aims to prepare candidates to improve their confidence level to face the part 2 test.

This is done through practice based skills scenarios where by candidates will understand the overall process and expectation at the test. On our OSCE training each individual candidate will be given opportunity to practice the scenarios and  the practical skills.

HST can help you to pass your OSCE. Why not give us a call to discuss your training needs: office phone +44 161 743 4626, mobile phone +44 7711 554472.

Or, contact us via email info@healthskillstraining.com
We provide Mental Health Nursing OSCE and Paediatric (Children) Nursing OSCE if nurses specifically looking for this OSCE training. All the Skills and Scenarios required are covered in detail in training.


Mental Health Nursing OSCE


Our Mental Health Nursing OSCE Training is known for the best pass rates and excellent quality, covers all the essential Mental Health Nursing OSCE skills and Mental Health Nursing OSCE Scenarios. We have the 100% pass rate on our Mental Health Nursing OSCE Training. 100% satisfaction guaranteed with our robust training, support & constructive feedback. Why not ring us to find out more on: +44 161 743 4626 or +44 7711 554472

Mental Health OSCE Training Covers the following 


Physiological Observation(NEWS Chart)

Nutritional Assessment)

Administration of suppository



Talking Therapies

Two Mandatory Writing Stations: You will get 10 minutes per mandatory writing skill

Professional Values – This is a writing station where you will be given a scenario where you have to read and write the summary of findings and actions you would take in a short sentences.

Evidence Based Practice- This is a writing station where you will be given a scenario  where you have to write the summary of findings and advise that you would give to the patient


Assessment: Assessing patient with Mental Health Needs or Issues. Learning SOLAR, PHQ9 & MOCA Tools of Mental Health OSCE Assessment

Planning: Learning & practicing how to write an effective care plan by identifying mental health nursing needs

Implementation: Learning & practicing administering of medications to the patient

Evaluation: Learning & practicing how to give the verbal handover using SBAR tool


Paediatric (Children’s)Nursing OSCE


We provide a robust fully equipped Paediatric OSCE Training for nurses. All our nurses who attended the training had 100% pass success rate. Since the numbers and the demand is less into Paediatric OSCE we run one to one or small group Paediatric OSCE Trainings as and when required. We have accommodated all the nurses who contacted us and requested for this training. 100% satisfaction guaranteed with excellent customer feedback. Feedback matters hence we focus highly on providing a constructive feedback to nurses on the areas they have to improve.

Our Paediatric OSCE Training Covers the following:

Paediatric Nursing OSCE Skills: 

Paediatric Basic Life support (Infant & Child)

Administration of inhaled medication (AIM)

Removal of Urinary Catheter

Subcutaneous Injection

Blood glucose monitoring

Fine bore NG tube insertion

Nasopharyngeal suctioning

Oxygen therapy

Peak flow

Two Mandatory Writing Stations: You will get 10 minutes per mandatory writing skill

Professional Values – This is a writing station where you will be given a scenario where you have to read and write the summary of findings and actions you would take in a short sentences.

Evidence Based Practice- This is a writing station where you will be given a scenario  where you have to write the summary of findings and advise that you would give to the patient

Paediatric Nursing OSCE APIE:

Assessment: Learning how to assess a child with presenting complaints and completing a appropriate documentation

Planning: Learning & practicing how to write a care plan with various paediatric nursing needs

Implementation: Learning & practicing how to administer medications to a child using the appropriate medication(drug) chart)

Evaluation: Learning and practicing how to give verbal handover using SBAR as per the OSCE marking criteria.

Why not ring us to find out more on: +44 161 743 4626 or +44 7711 554472

New NMC OSCE- OSCE Test of Competency 2021 is the New 10 Station OSCE 

We provide the comprehensive very easy to understand 10 station New OSCE training for Adult Health, Mental Health & Children’s Nursing.

New 10 Station OSCE Consists of :

4 skills stations out of total 16 skills

2 Mandatory writing Skills Stations which are Professional Values and behaviour and  Evidence Based Care

4 APIE Stations which will be tested on 9 different real life clinical scenarios where candidate need to assess the patient using ABCDE systematic approach, record vital signs on the observation chart in the assessment. In care planning identify two relevant nursing problems or needs pertinent to patient condition and plan care for of the same patient. Care Planning is a writing station. In Implementation administer medication to the patient using a medication chart following the 6 rights of the medication for a specific time given time in the scenario. In Evaluation candidate has to prepare a SBAR handover and give a verbal handover using SBAR to the doctor or to another Health Care Professional. In APIE you follow the same patient from assessment to Evaluation.


As you know face to face OSCE training and the OSCE online learning can help many nurses to preapre OSCE comprehensively.  As OSCE is a practical test and you have to demonstrate skills and APIE scenarios within given time. Every nurse is strongly advised to take appropriate training and coaching to pass your OSCE first attempt. Together with Health Skills Training Onsite Face to Face  and online OSCE training can greatly help you to prepare for your OSCE test to the fullest potential and reduce your anxiety and stress of OSCE test.

  • Online OSCE learning can act as an additional support to your face to face learning
  • You can start preparing for your OSCE well in time
  • You can access wherever you are and know what to expect
  • Many nurses would need more time to prepare for their OSCE and online learning videos can act as an important resource to prepare in their own pace
  • You may want to self learn and appear for the OSCE test without the face to face training. Online OSCE learning can be a support in self learning.
  • Some prefer to continue their learning by observing. Online OSCE learning can give you access to watch as many time you want.
  • Health Skills Training Ltd OSCE Online Learning and face to face learning help you to preapre for your OSCE with pefection.
  • It can save your money and time

 test can be very difficult for many nurses, by thinking of saving few hundred pounds towards getting a quality training will end up spending more money and time towards their re test. Many will end up failing twice and either they have to re register or wait for another three months to give their retest.
Health Skills Training has the excellent experience in terms of preparing you well towards your OSCE test.

We focus on the following areas for your OSCE

  1. Our trainings follow the NMC 6 station OSCE assessment approach
  2. You get to oberve and learn the correct method of OSCE through our detailed demonstartion. We demonstarte every station.
  3. You get to practice the OSCE stations in detail with appropriate equipments
  4. We have a flexible approach towards training and have learner centred approach
  5. We provide the direct feedback and identify areas for nurses to improve
  6. Many nurses struggle to perform under pressure or during the exam situation. We identify their challenges and give appropriate coaching and excellent tips to over come these challenges.
  7. Many nurses struggle to complete tasks in 15 minutes, may be because of communication issues, not knowing how and where to focus, what and how to speak however we identify and fix these areas to speed their tasks and show them how to complete things under 15 minutes.
  8. We spend time in care plan writing and transfer of care letter writing, review nurses care plans and provide feedback.
  9. Our support just doesn’t end with training we provide the excellent aftercare strongly advise each nurse to call us few days before their test to have a final recap.

OSCE test preparation cannot be done at home or in an environment where you donot get the expert help. You need some one expert who has the OSCE training and assessment experience, can observe your practice and provide you the valuable feedback.
We have built our quality by being honest and direct to the nurses in terms of our feedback to them. We also tell the nurses when they are ready for their test. We only advise the nurses about the additional training when absolutely necessary. 

  1. Our trainings follow the NMC 6 station OSCE assessment approach
  2. You get to oberve and learn the correct method of OSCE through our detailed demonstartion. We demonstarte every station.
  3. You get to practice the OSCE stations in detail with appropriate equipments
  4. We have a flexible approach towards training and have learner centred approach
  5. We provide the direct feedback and identify areas for nurses to improve
  6. Many nurses struggle to perform under pressure or during the exam situation. We identify their challenges and give appropriate coaching and excellent tips to over come these challenges.
  7. Many nurses struggle to complete tasks in 15 minutes, may be because of communication issues, not knowing how and where to focus, what and how to speak however we identify and fix these areas to speed their tasks and show them how to complete things under 15 minutes.
  8. We spend time in care plan writing and transfer of care letter writing, review nurses care plans and provide feedback.
  9. Our support just doesn’t end with training we provide the excellent aftercare strongly advise each nurse to call us few days before their test to have a final recap.

OSCE test preparation cannot be done at home or in an environment where you donot get the expert help. You need some one expert who has the OSCE training and assessment experience, can observe your practice and provide you the valuable feedback.
We have built our quality by being honest and direct to the nurses in terms of our feedback to them. We also tell the nurses when they are ready for their test. We only advise the nurses about the additional training when absolutely necessary. 

  1. OSCE NMC pass rate is less than 50% therefore you can assume the intensity of the assessment and preparation required for you to pass your OSCE
  2. International nurses should know the UK system of health care & nursing practice
  3. There is no room for minor errors
  4. Know the equipments well as many nurses struggle when 15 minute clock gets started.
  5. It is easy to pass your OSCE at first attempt as on your second attempt your anxiety levels automatically will be higher. The appropriate training is must to prepare well for your OSCE.

Health Skills Training can help you to pass your OSCE. Why not give us a call to discuss your training needs.

Contact us via email info@healthskillstraining.com, office phone 0161 743 4626, mobile phone 07711 554472.
We provide Mental Health Nursing OSCE and Children Nursing OSCE (Paediatric) if nurses specifically looking for this OSCE training. All the Skills and Scenarios required are covered in detail in training. Why not ring us to find out more 0161 743 4626 or 07711 554472

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OSCE Training Dates Till June 2021

Manchester OSCE Dates

London OSCE Dates

6 day courses are available – Please enquire

We also provide trainings at client specific venues if you have group of 10 or more candidates. We provide OSCE training for NHS & Care homes.

Do you require a Train the Trainer course to run your OSCE training?

Your Practice Educators or Nurses can be trained to run the OSCE training for your nurses.

Testimonials low

See What Some of Our Customers Have to Say

B Kelly from USA
The training was great I feel much more prepared now than I did before recommend HST Ltd for their OSCE preparation.

G Moraes from India
BLS, Wound care and IM injections practice I enjoyed the most and recommend OSCE training for all.

J Eke from Nigeria
Trainer from HST Ltd was very knowledgeable and he built my confidence by demonstrating the right method and allowing us practice.

K Haynes from Australia
The process of what to expect and how to carry out the tasks was the most interesting thing I learned in the training.

N Perry from Australia
All steps of 6 workstation practice was interesting; I was fully stimulated all day to learn. I feel this day will be beneficial to my OSCE exam

E Perez
Very informative and very pleasant instructor.